Who is一休係乜水VigGo?

My name ----> Yip Tat Yuen 葉達源

Nicknames ----> 一休/Viggo

D.O.B. ----> 1*4*1982 (記住!!!)

Interest ----> 1.KaRAOkE 2.聽歌(流行歌) 3.上網

My SChooL ----> Primary:PooI TO pRiMarY ScHoOl

Secondary:Wa YINg CoLleGe

University:The University of HK (Environmental Life Science)

AddREss ----> .........Kolwoon,HK!

Likes ---->

Foods : all sweet things/meats Color: Pale Blue
Artist: Kelly Chen Songs: Canton Pops
Animals:Little Dogs and Cats Life modes: Simple Life


Foods: Mango,Durian Animals: 小強
Movies: Art Movie Life mode: Luxury life
Songs: Rave Dance,Heavy Metal  

E-MAiL AdDRess ----> viggoy@netvigator.com (Call ME!)

講個古仔你聽- - - - > 點解一休叫一休?? 話說一休細個果陣去剪頭髮,點知唔聽話郁身郁勢,結果就比人剪光頭.......故事教訓大家做人要"正直",知冇???
